A carbon footprint considers all six of the Kyoto Protocol greenhouse gases: Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous oxide (N2O), Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6). But usually Carbon Footprint is expressed in equivalent tons of carbon diox...
Most ozone approximately 90% is found in the stratosphere. This layer initiates approximately 10-16 kilometers above the surface of the Earth and... See full answer below.Become a member and unlock all Study Answers Start today. Try it now Create an account Ask a question Our experts ...
Greenhouse gas reporting is the process of documenting the amount of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted by a business, organization or country.
The global warming potential of a gas is defined as the “radiative forcing” (that is the additionnal radiative power that the gas issending back to the ground) of a given quantity of gas, cumulated over a given period, generally 100 years. In short it is a notion that enables to appre...
Chemistry is the branch which deals with the detailed study of matter, its properties, how and why atoms/substanced combine or separate to form other substances. Understand all the basic concepts of Organic, Inorganic, and Physical Chemistry with detaile
The ability for CO2 to warm the surface of a planet through the absorption of infrared radiation is well known. What is much less appreciated, however, is just how effective of a gas it is in maintaining the greenhouse framework that helps to characteri
Globalnumberandpercentageofintensehurricanesisincreasing ProjectionsofFutureClimateChange Bestestimateforlowscenario(B1)is1.8°C(likelyrangeis1.1°Cto2.9°C),andforhighscenario(A1FI)is4.0°C(likelyrangeis2.4°Cto6.4°C).PotentialClimateChangeImpacts EPAPersonalEmissionsCalculator URL:http://www....
They’re useful for zeroing in on the climate cost of a particular activity or object, but critics say they put the focus in the wrong place. Below we’ll get into what a carbon footprint actually is, whether it’s useful, and how to think about yours in the face ofglobal warming. ...
The "global warming potential" (or "GWP") of a GHG indicates the amount of warming a gas causes over a given period of time (normally 100 years). GWP is an index, with CO2 having the index value of 1, and the GWP for all other GHGs is the number of times more warming they ...