What Remains of Edith Finch is a collection of strange tales about a family in Washington state. As Edith, you’ll explore the colossal Finch house, searching for stories as she explores her family history and tries to figure out why she's the last one in her family left alive. Each sto...
and that’s Andrew Gillis. This is your Tuesday part. talk with Ryan Day, Chip Kelly, Will Howard, Donovan Jackson, and Trevion Henderson. We were supposed to get a Macabouca today as well, but we didn’t. On Monday afternoon, as the ...
Notre Dame-Indiana will play on Friday, while Penn State-SMU and Texas-Clemson will follow on Saturday, all leading up to the first-ever College Football Playoff game in the first round. It will be the first December home game in Ohio State history....
Doom was one of the first games to make multiplayer FPS quite popular and I remember how cool it was to attend local LAN events trying to get that sweet frag. There is a little slice of entertaining gaming history to be found when looking up some of the greatest Doom players in the ...
Being able to go from a handheld to a console hooked up to your TV is pretty cool and revolutionary. For example, a game likeThe Silver Case[an adventure game Suda is working on, which has not been announced for Switch] would be perfect because that’s something where the story makes ...
What is a kola nut in ''Things Fall Apart''? What is an Osu in Things Fall Apart? In Things Fall Apart, what is an ilo? How is it used during the festival? What is the New Yam Festival in Things Fall Apart? What do locusts symbolize in Things Fall Apart? What are examples of ...
Bang Chan:Because it’s our first official full one, I think we put a lot more effort into it and we really wanted to show everyone what our true colors were, what Stray Kids is best at. I think what really inspired us to complete this album was to show what we make o...
Both narratives look to history for validation about the true meaning of guns in America. While social scientists gather data about the effects of guns today, much of the debate about whether and how to regulate gun ownership is fought out on the terrain of history: What did the Second Amend...
toKeAndre Lambert-Smithwas the longest in Rose Bowl history. James Franklin's squad may not return a quarterback next season, but the talent on both sides of the ball that remains may set Penn State up for a season that could be successful beyond just a bowl game victory. --Paolo Ug...
However, when it comes to MMA, there's a great debate as to who is the greatest. Some say it's the UFC Middleweight Champion Anderson Silva, reigning pound-for-pound king and owner of the longest undefeated streak in UFC history. Others say it's Fedor Emelianenko. Fedor went on an ...