Involuntary contractions of this muscle also causes the development of forehead wrinkles. This occurs when the frontal belly of the occipitofrontalis muscle contracts, causing the skin of the scalp and forehead to move up and down. Then the galea aponeurotica is moved by the occipital belly, whic...
- The Auricularis anterior (Attrahens aurem), the smallest of the three, is thin, fan-shaped, and its fibers are pale and indistinct. Itarises from the lateral edge of the galea aponeurotica, and its fibers converge to be inserted into a projection on the front of the helix. What is ...
The final auricularis muscle is the posterior auricular muscle. This muscle is made up of between two and three fasciculi, or bundles of muscle fibers, that begin at the temporal bones. These bones are found at the base and on the sides of the skull. The muscle fibers of the posterior...