What is the function of the ovaries? What are the two main functions of the testicles? What are gonads in the male reproductive system? What is the function of the mammary gland? What is the main function of the epididymis? What are the gonads in the female reproductive system?
The function of the mandible is mainly to move the mouth so that it can open, close and perform the mechanical digestion of the food or chew. The main...Become a member and unlock all Study Answers Start today. Try it now Create an account Ask a question Our experts can answer ...
The enzymes are listed in the order of the metabolic pathway: galactokinase (GALK), galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase (GALT), and UDP-galactose-4’-epimerase (GALE). In human lactation, glucose is changed into galactose via hexoneogenesis to enable the mammary glands to secrete lactose. ...
Class 11 BIOLOGY What is the function of progesterone in ... What is the function of progesterone in a pregnant woman?Solution in Bengali Video SolutionText SolutionVerified by Experts Uterine growth, formation of placenta and growth of secretory alveoli in mammary gland. Show More ...
I thought then, and still think now, that the only people who weren’t planning that pregnancy were her parents. My friend is still married to the same man. They have four children. The eldest of those children married before my daughter was born. I had to defer my dream of becoming ...
What is the function of the rugae in the stomach? The Stomach: The stomach is an important organ in the digestive system that digests food and moves it into the small intestine. It has muscular walls as well as many folds and wrinkles called rugae as part of its inner layer. ...
Female reptiles lack mammary glands, and most species abandon their offspring soon after they hatch. Cardiovascular System ••• The mammalian heart consists of four chambers, two ventricles and two atria. One channel delivers oxygenated blood to the organs, while the other directs blood to...
Hyperplasia of mammary glands: The small dose of potassium iodide can promote the secretion of luteinizing hormone in the anterior pituitary gland and promote the luteinization of the ovarian follicle, thus reducing the estrogen level and restoring the normal function of the ovary. Others In the tr...
All mammals have mammary glands, which are used to provide milk for their young. Mammary glands are made up of glandular tissue and ducts and develop from the sweat glands. While many have nipples that allow their young to nurse, one family of mammals, known asmonotremes, secrete milk thro...
What is the function of the uterus lining? Why don't rats have a gallbladder? What is the function of the mammary gland? What is the function of the gallbladder? What is the function of the aorta? What is the function of the pulmonary trunk?