Cells ingest fluid, molecules, and particles by endocytosis, in which localized regions of the plasma membrane invaginate and pinch off to form endocytic vesicles. Many of the endocytosed molecules and particles end up inlysosomes, where they are degraded. Is a phagosome and endosome? A phagosom...
What is the function of the globin found in hemoglobin quizlet? --> Globin is an unusual structure protein in that it is devoid of beta-sheet. Globin fold holds onto porphyrin ring (whichallows globin protein to reversibly bind oxygen). --> Most proteins are a combination of an alpha-hel...
Archaea have unique phospholipids in their plasma membrane and hydrocarbon tails that contain isoprene. What is unique about archaea quizlet? Archaea are organisms that have many unique molecular traits. Archaea are prokaryotes, but their cell walls are chemically different from those of bacteria. ...
Casparian strips have pretty much the same function as tight junctions in animal epithelia. They were shown toprovide an extracellular (paracellular) diffusion barrier within the plant roots, forcing nutrients to pass into the cells and thus to be subjected to the action of plasma membrane transport...
What is the correct order of hemostasis quizlet? Hemostasis is the natural process that stops blood loss when an injury occurs.It involves three steps:(1) vascular spasm (vasoconstriction); (2) platelet plug formation; and (3) coagulation. Vasoconstriction is a reflex in which blood vessels na...