What is the function of the zygomatic bone? What is the function of ciliated epithelium in the lining of the trachea and bronchi? What is the function of arachnoid villi? What is the function of red bone marrow? What is the function of the upper respiratory system?
Go through the lesson named Trachea Definition: Lesson for Kids. If you do, you can learn more about: What the trachea looks like Function of the trachea Outside structure of the trachea Practice Exams You are viewing quiz21 in chapter 4 of the course: ...
What is the function of the liver in the pig? What is a foramen? What is its purpose? What is the purpose of cortical bone? What is the purpose of trabecular bone? What is the function of the umbilical cord in the pig? What is the purpose of the cartilage rings of the trachea?
The larynx, or voice box, is a part of the upper respiratory tract that is a flexible tube where air passes between the back of the nose (pharynx) and the windpipe (trachea). It is mostly made of cartilage and muscle, and is lined with a mucus membrane. What Is the Function of the...
" The structure that prevents the entry of food into trachea during deglutition in mammals is " View Solution (A) What is the function of velamen ? (B) What is plerome ? (C) What is quiescent centre ? (D) What is the function of collenchyma ?
TSH Hormone Function The function of the thyroid gland is determined, in part, by its relationship with the pituitary gland. Located on the underside, or posterior, of the brain and attached to the hypothalamus, this "master gland" controls the function of several glands – including the thyroi...
The trachea is also called the windpipe or airway. The ET tube is attached to a machine called a respirator. A respirator gives you oxygen and breathes for you when you cannot breathe on your own. Surgery may be needed to repair damage to organs or blood vessels. It may also be ...
What is the function of the Supraglottis? The supraglottic swallow, a technique that most patients can master, involvessimultaneous swallowing and breath-holding, closing the vocal cords and protecting the trachea from aspiration. The patient thereafter can cough to expel any residue in the laryngeal...
The trachea is also called the windpipe or airway. The ET tube is attached to a machine called a respirator. A respirator gives you oxygen and breathes for you when you cannot breathe on your own. Surgery may be needed to repair damage to organs or blood vessels. It may also be ...
A tracheal cannula is a tube that's inserted into a surgically-produced hole in a person's neck and windpipe. It's most often used...