What is Printer with explanation of input device, output device, memory, CPU, motherboard, computer network, virus, software, hardware etc.
Hub | What is the hub with explanation of input device, output device, memory, CPU, motherboard, computer network, virus, software, hardware etc.
Meaning that the computer would have to know (by defat) at lest the most common display output types, but wouldn’t probably know how to handle SCART in the US Version as that would have to be programmed in by the user. Reply
HDD means the data is retained when our computer system is shut down. HDD is also called a fixed disk, hard disk, or hard drive. The HDD was introduced in the year 1956 by IBM. The first personal computer contains a hard drive of less than 1 megabyte, while modern computers contain th...
the industry estimated that around 10 million PCs were in use till 1983. The term PC had taken a different meaning when IBM entered the market. However, it has not changed the original meaning of a personal computer. The IBM architecture has large controlled on the computer industry that IBM...
A monitor is an electronic output device that is also known as a video display terminal (VDT) or a video display unit (VDU). It is used to display images, text, video, and graphics information generated by a connected computer via a computer's video card. Although it is almost like a...
Positioning:The meaning of positioning in terms of mobile context can include several things: the location of phones or vehicles or people. TheGPS (Global Positioning System)is a global network of 24 satellites. A receiver with GPS can get their satellite position and find out the location. The...
Right-clicking is acomputerterm that refers to the act of pressing the right-hand button on a computer mouse or touchpad, which is typically located on the right side of the device. When you Right-click on an item, such as a file, folder, or icon, a context menu usually appears on ...
A remote is an electronic device, usually hand-held, hardware device that allows users to control other devices or objects, such as a radio, television, DVD players, stereo systems, or audio/video recording device. For instance, the AC remote can be used to perform many functions of AC, ...
Assembly language and machine language are two examples of low-level programming languages. The major goal of the low-level language is to utilize high-level languages like PHP, C#, and Swift to build software programmes and scripts that operate, manage, and modify the computer's hardware and ...