TFTP, meaning Trivial File Transfer Protocol, is a simple yet powerful protocol used for transferring files over computer networks without needing authentication. Moving a file from point A to point B isn't as simple as it seems. TFTP establishes the steps involved, ensuring both the sender and...
飞马座51”公转的行星“飞马座51b”,母星的表面温度约为1000度。该行星的公转周期约为4地球日,其轨道与母星的距离相当近,质量约为木星的一半,体积为木星的2倍,大气层厚度大。据此回答3~4题。 若该行星上有生命存在,依据材料可推知其存在生命的条件之一是( )
ans. the tcp/ip model acts as a communication protocol for computer networks and connects hosts on the internet. it is a concise version of the osi model and comprises four layers in its structure. q4 q 4. what is the full form of tcp/ip? ans. the full form of tcp/ip is ...
Just login and start the process is enough in my case. So, just decided to share. Put #!/bin/perl on the top of the line above, make it chmod +x or 755, the cron should be */5 * * * * /full/path/by2.check, or something like that. That line should be enough for beginners...
Finally Apple started to support their own keyboard the way it suits me, meaning pressing “enter” sends an imessaage/sms. Took them several years. Anyway, when I was playing with the keyboard I found out when I press “mute”, it mutes the phone completely without pressing the side (...
If you’re looking for software to ping multiple IP addresses, then you might need aping sweep tool. But finding the right tool to ping a range of IP addresses can be tricky. The market is bursting with tools and software, each with its own advantages and disadvantages, and the technical...
Yep, it’s a nasty one and an example of sophisticated virus attempts yet to come. Even if you’re not infected this is an opportunity to review and implement the steps to keep your computer safe. First, how do you know you have it? Unfortunately, Sasser shares several behaviors common ...
One of the best use cases for a NAS or File Server is that the data is network centralized. Meaning you don't have to be on the PC to access the data you can be on any PC that has access to the NAS/File Server. Similarly it is easier and usually more secure if done properly ...