The ovipositor is the egg-laying apparatus of female tiger crane flies. It’s a slender, needle-like structure found at the end of the abdomen. The presence and shape of the ovipositor can be a useful clue in identifying tiger crane flies, as it’s quite distinctive from other insects suc...
play a signifcant role in speech interface interaction. Yet we do not know what the core dimensions of this concept are. Taking a psycholexical approach, our paper is the frst to identify the key dimensions that defne partner models in speech agent interaction. Through a repertory grid study ...
The primary pleural neoplasms constitute around 10% of the pleural tumors. The currently recommended method for their imaging is CT which has been shown to have certain limitations. Strong development of the MRI within the last two decades has provided u
The Frazier/Mullin team at Penn State has developed a protocol for helping to figure this out. I strongly support its adoption by the EPA for pesticide risk analysis. Colonies foraging upon nectar or pollen of seed-treated crops get poisoned. Ask yourself this: if neonic residues were actually...