Question: What is the Fourier transform of given discrete time signal x[n]? There are 3 steps to solve this one.
A complicated signal can be broken down into simple waves. This break down, and how much of each wave is needed, is the Fourier Transform. Fourier transforms (FT) take a signal and express it in terms of the frequencies of the waves that make up that signal. Sound is probably the ea...
What is Inverse Fast Fourier Transform?FOURIER TRANSFORMSWhat are functions? In mathematics, a function is a relation between sets that associates to every element of a first set exactly one element of the second set. The Fourier transform decomposes a function into its constituent frequencies....
What is the damping factor of the function f(x) = e^{2x} \sin x ? Consider the wave described by the function z=f(x,t) =A\sin (kx-\omega t), Explain why the slope of the characteristics is the speed of the wave. What is the superposition theorem?
Signal processing is used in order to analyse measured data. Read the article to learn how signal processing is performed and applied in DAQ applications.
Hello everyone have a look at this video of Fourier Decomposition of an image.also we know that Fourier series is given in the image as http://...
Tags Fourier Fourier transform Transform In summary: The blue signal is the right channel and the white noise is the sum of the two channels.In summary, the conversation involves discussing the properties of repetitive Fourier transforms and their relationship to the original signal. The c...
In most cases, the harmonic mean is used to identify the associations that exist between the fractions multiplicative and the divisor role. For... Learn more about this topic: Simple Harmonic Motion: Kinetic Energy & Potential Energy from ...
What is the period for the equation -\sin(2x)-1. Consider the following equation: y = 2 \: sin(x + \pi). Determine the period. All of the following functions have the same period except one. Which one has a different period form the others? a. y= 1 - \...
What are {eq}A' {/eq} and {eq}B' {/eq} so as to re-express {eq}Ae^{(ikx)} + Be^{(-ikx)} {/eq} as {eq}A'cos(ks) + B'sin(kx) {/eq}? Euler's Equation One of the most fundamental identities involving complex numbers is that of Eu...