What would be the compound formula of Strontium Bromide? What is the subscript of aluminum in the formula of aluminum phosphate? Write the formula for the compound aluminum perchlorate. When lead (II) nitrate reacts with sodium iodide, what is the correct formula for the product lead (II) io...
In chemistry, the chemical formula is used to represent chemical compounds by using symbols such as bracket, commas, dash, plus or minus sign. For example, the chemical formula of the chemical compound carbon dioxide is CO2. Answer and Explanation: Part A: The chemical...
Why is it Nasty? Siloxanes and Silicones are widely used in cosmetic, personal care, and household cleaning products for a wide range of functions in a formula. In baby products, these are used in laundry detergents and laundry softeners for a softening feel on the fabric. These nasties sho...
What are the formulas for these compounds? a. Acetic acid b. Silver carbonate c. Copper(II) sulfate d. Dinitrogen monoxide e. Xenon trisulfide Writing the Chemical Formula of Compounds: To write a chemical formula based on the name...
Covalent molecules are particles where multiple atoms share electrons. Typically the elements are non-metals. There can be single, double or triple bonds in a covalent bond.Answer and Explanation: The formula for ditellurium pentoxide is Ti2O...
What is the name for the compound {eq}P_4O_{10} {/eq}? A) Phospholipid B) Phosphoric acid C) Phosphorus pentoxide D) Phosphorus decaoxide Chemical Formula: The chemical formula is an important characteristic of a compound. From the ...
What is the total number of nonmetal atoms present in the formula of Mg3(PO4)2? (a) 10 (b) 7 (c) 9 (d) 13 Ionic Compounds: An example of an ionic compound composed of a cation and anion is sodium chloride. We can classify a compound as ...
The iodine clock reaction is a method to show the chemical kinetics of the reaction. It is propounded by Hans Heinrich Landolt. In this reaction, iodine reacts with a redox reagent in the presence of starch. In the beginning, the reaction mixture is colorless, but the blue color is ...
Molecular iodine would be most soluble in: a) equally soluble in all four. b) vinegar (acetic acid and water). c) water. d) vodka (ethanol and water). e) carbon tetrachloride. The compound zinc sulfate is a strong electrolyte. Write the reaction when solid...
What is the formula for the ionic compound diammonium chromate? What is the formula for titanium (IV) oxide? What is the formula for manganese(IV) oxide? a) Mngo b) MnO_4 c) Mn_2O d) MnO_2. What is the formula of the compound formed between ions of aluminum and iodine?