What is the hyoid bone? What type of joint is the radius and ulna? What part of the scapula articulates with the humerus? Is the scapula a flat bone? What is the forearm bone called? What is the vomer bone? What is the lunate bone?
Learn about leg bone anatomy, including general leg anatomy, the names of major leg bones, and the location and function of each bone. Related to this Question What bones are involved in the hip joint and what type of joint is the hip joint?
Distal is a term used in anatomy to describe locations on the body that are further from the trunk or nearer to the extremities, whereas mesial generally describes areas that are closer to the midline of the body or dental arch. For instance, the fingers are distal to the wrist, while the...
Pronation and Supination are commonly used in sports and medicine to describe foot and arm movements. Pronation is the natural motion of the foot during walking and running, where the foot rolls inward. This movement helps to absorb shock and distribute weight evenly throughout the foot. Supinatio...
The vital organs located in the upper half of the body above the legs, are just that: vital. What supports all of these organs? The pubococcygeus muscle does, that's what! In this lesson, we will learn about the definition and anatomy of the pubococcygeus muscle. What Is the Pub...
What Is the Brachial Artery? The left and right subclavian arteries stem from the aorta and the brachiocephalic trunks, respectively. They are called the axillary arteries and pass through the shoulder region. Once in the arm, the same blood vessels are designated the brachial arteries. You have...
The elbow joint connects the upper arm to the forearm, allowing for extension and retraction of the arm. This component is crucial for reaching different points in the robot's work envelope. Wrist The wrist is a complex assembly usually consisting of three joints that provide roll...
Median, however, is determined by the numerical order of values in a data set and is used to convey a sense of the "middle" in a series of numbers, which is particularly useful in understanding the distribution of values in that set. 13 In anatomy, medial is used to denote the ...
Pronation and supination are movements that define the orientation of the palm, forearm, or foot in space. Pronation and supination are important movements that help us do various daily activities. The definition of these movements differs in the upper a
When an individual is exposed to cold for several hours, chilblains appear on the backs and sides of the fingers. These itchy red swellings can develop into blisters only in severe cases. Diabetes People with severe diabetes can develop blistered hands or forearms. They are usually painless ...