I find out that the folder C:\Program Files\dotnet takes up more than 1.6 GB disk space. Is it required for UWP delopment? If not, can I remove it? Ignorance is blissful All replies (3) Tuesday, October 17, 2017 4:57 PM ✅Answered ...
BinaryFormatteris no longer supported. Experimental support for rendering the app in dark mode, as supported by Windows. FolderBrowserDialogandToolStriphad some minor improvements. TheSystem.Drawinglibrary has had many improvements, including wrapping GDI+ effects, support forReadOnlySpan, and better int...
Access to the path "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Projet\Documents" is denied. Access to the path is denied Access website on a local IIS from a mobile phone Accessing asp:Panel InnerHTML? Accessing controls on another user control if they aren't instantiated accessing files in the App_Data folder ac...
After you install the .NET Core 2.1 SDK, the first time you run it, it will install a development certificate. You can manage this certificate using the new dotnet dev-certs tool, which is installed with the SDK. Once the development certificate is trusted, you’ll be able to develop and...
dotnet new web -o PizzaStore -f net8.0 The newly createdPizzaStorefolder contains the API project. Generated files The files generated are much like those you would get with a controller-based API: Output bin/ obj/ appsettings.Development.json appsettings.json PizzaStore.csproj Program.cs ...
I have a user whom I've given Direct Access to a folder asking for permission to edit and delete files. I thought giving someone access using Direct...
Open and delete the .vs files, .bin and .obj folders under the project folder after closing Visual Studio. Please let me know if my advice is helpful to you 0 Nov 06, 2023 4:35 PM SH Spencer Heinemann This issue also happens for me, in multiple projects, work...
Hi all, After spending days to fix my failing hard drive, I found out it is very important to have a full backup of PC. I need something reliable...
I recently began using Visual Studio 2015 and I noticed, when I deploy, that I now need a folder called "roslyn" (and its contents) inside the BIN folder of my web applications. I know nothing about this folder. What is it? Why is it needed? Thanks. ...
The.NET 6 SDK. A code editor such asVSCode. 2. Creating a new console app Open a terminal and start by creating a new folder namedConsoleChat: mkdirConsoleChat Navigate into that folder: cdConsoleChat Use thedotnetCLI to create a new console application: ...