Limit or do not drink alcohol. Alcohol can make breathing problems worse. Ask your healthcare provider if alcohol is okay for you. Your provider may tell you to limit the amount you drink. A drink is 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1½ ounces of liquor. Balance exercise wit...
There are 32 fluid ounces in a quart. So 1qt/32ounces = xqt/younces. The question will either give you x (quarts) or y (fluid ounces). For example how many quarts is 128 fluid ounces? 1qt/32ounces = x qt/128 Cross multiply 1 x128 = 32 x X 128=32x divide by 32 give X=...
The DASH plan is low in sodium, processed sugar, unhealthy fats, and total fat. It is high in potassium, calcium, and fiber. These can be found in vegetables, fruit, and whole-grain foods. Limit sodium (salt) as directed. Too much sodium can affect your fluid balance. Check labels ...
Packagers like Drink Simple tap maple trees in the spring when the sap is running. Rather than boil it down to make maple syrup, they bottle the fluid. The sap is a lightly sweet and refreshing alternative to plain water that contains “a little bit of natural sugar for optimal osmolality...
Themole cricketis an invasive pest that attacks turfgrass and other plants. This unique insect gets its name from its huge forelegs, which it uses to tunnel through the dirt like a mole. It damages golf courses and lawns by eating plant roots and disturbing the soil’s surface. Discover ev...
Cased the bank before robbing it. Unit A work unit. Case An actual event, situation, or fact. For a change, in this case, he was telling the truth. It is not the case that every unfamiliar phrase is an idiom. In case of fire, break glass. [sign on fire extinguisher holder in pub...
Generally, the darker it is, the more toxic it is to dogs. Cocoa powder is the worst, with baker’s and dark chocolate not far behind. However, even milk chocolate is poisonous. As little as 0.5 ounces of milk chocolate per pound of body weight puts your dog at risk of chocolate ...
A United States liquid unit equal to 32 fluid ounces; four quarts equal one gallon Quart A British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 2 pints or 1.136 liters Quart A United States dry unit equal to 2 pints or 67.2 cubic inches Common Curiosities Which is larger, a liter...
Patricia Mack
A foot ulcer can be redness over a bony area or an open sore. The ulcer can develop anywhere on your foot or toes. Ulcers usually develop on the bottom of the foot. You may not know you have an ulcer until you notice drainage on your sock. Drainage is fluid that may be yellow, br...