The first trimester of pregnancy lasts roughly three months. During this time, the baby is the smallest and yet grows the most. The embryonic stage (when the baby is called an embryo) of pregnancy begins and runs from about the 5th to the 10th week of pregnancy. The first trimesterofpreg...
What Is the First Trimester of Pregnancy? The first trimester is the earliest phase of pregnancy. It starts on the first day of your last period -- before you’re even actually pregnant -- and lasts until the end of the 13th week. It’s a time of great anticipation and of rapid chang...
Pregnancy tips: first trimester Planning what to do in the first trimester is important. There are a ton of things you need to be sorting out – but don’t worry, it’s not an impossible list! Break down each action and take every task one by one to prevent you from becoming overwhe...
The first trimester of pregnancy is the first three months of pregnancy, or up until about Week 12. The baby grows the most during the first trimester, which includes the formation and development of the body's major organs, the heartbeat being able to be heard on a Doppler, external geni...
Meanwhile the etiology of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy is said to be unknown, hormonal and Psychological status of the mother may be the causative factors.So, determining the relationships between demographic and pregnancy factors with nausea and vomiting in the first trimester of pregnancy a ...
Pregnancy / Health & SafetyWhat is the NT scan (nuchal translucency test)? The NT scan is a non-invasive prenatal screening test in the first trimester. Find out what it can tell you about your baby's risk for Down syndrome and other conditions....
Hepatitis B is inflammation of the liver caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). HBV can spread from a mother to her baby during delivery. You will be checked for HBV as early as possible in the first trimester of each pregnancy. You need the test even if you received the hepatitis B ...
The third trimester is the last phase of your pregnancy. It lasts from weeks 29 to 40, or months 7, 8, and 9. During this trimester, your baby grows, develops, and starts to change position to get ready for birth. Now that you've reached the third trimester, you're in the home ...
【单选题】A 28-year old pregnant woman with 28 weeks gestation age visits the doctor. The prenatal examination indicates that she is healthy. Which of the following method could be used by the woman for self-mo...