When there is damage to the tiny blood vessels within the kidneys, glomerular kidney disease occurs. The first sign of this type of disease is often an abnormal amount of protein in the urine. This may be detected by a routine urine test, especially if no other symptoms are present. Patien...
aResult in what are the causes of kidney disease in children-children-is the disease-prone populations, their strong body immunity is not adult, if improper care, is susceptible to various diseases. Children with kidney disease are also on the rise, leading to what are the causes of kidney ...
DKD is the gradual and permanent loss of kidney function. This occurs because of kidney damage caused by high blood sugar levels. Normally, the kidneys remove fluid, chemicals, and waste from your blood. These wastes are turned into urine by your kidneys. DKD may worsen over time and lead ...
Care guide for Kidney Cyst. Includes: possible causes, signs and symptoms, standard treatment options and means of care and support.
s merely a symptom of something else. In some cases, the something else really is an illness - some kidney disorder or an infection. Infections can usually be cured, and if you're suffering from an incurable one or from another serious condition, bad breath is the least of your problems....
Organ trafficking is officially banned in several countries and by the main Nephrology Societies. However, this practice is widespread and is allowed or tolerated in many countries, hence, in the absence of a universal law, the caregiver may be asked for advice, placing him/her in a difficult...
In the U.S., a third of Americans are at risk of chronic kidney disease, and age is a major factor. More than half of Americans older than 75 are thought to have some sort of kidney damage. Here is what happens when you have it. Read the full five-part s
Chronic disease. Any long-term disease puts a strain on the body. Growth and development are difficult. Cystic fibrosis, diabetes, kidney diseases,asthma,sickle cell disease,celiac disease, and others can cause delayed puberty. Appropriate treatment can control the disease and allow puberty to progr...
Fibroid Polycystic kidney disease Polycystic ovarian syndrome Abdominal adhesion (could also cause acute abdominal pain) Food intolerance Recurrent Abdominal SyndromeUpper Abdominal PainUpper abdominal or stomach pain are pain occurring anywhere in the abdomen, above the level of the umbilicus or navel. Co...