Instead, they believe this emotion is learned over time, sometimes rearing its ugly head later in life in the form of bigotry, prejudice and even hate crimes. While hatred may not be instinctual, distrust might just be. Long before the existence of codified law, uncivilized people lived ...
Oursexlives can be a complex, wonderful part of our identities, but they can also bring anxiety and discomfort. This is particularly true of female-identifying people who suffer from polycystic ovaries syndrome (PCOS) — like myself —a hormonal condition that affects the functioning of someone'...
In general, femicide is seen as ahate crimethat specifically targets women due tomisogynyor sexism felt by the perpetrator of the crime against the victim. The term was first coined in the early 19th Century and was initially used as a general term to refer to the murder of a female victi...
This is a classic case of misogyny and its developmental course, as it usually festers at a young age due to a traumatic event involving a female figure. It is a hatred men have for women, one that typically goes unrecognized or ignored by the individual. Signs of misogyny may also go ...
and intimacy can be presented in a monstrous and compelling way. This film is an excellent example of how the male gaze of cinema can be subverted. Rather than objectifying women's bodies, presenting the female form in ways that seek to pay homage to pornographic representations of physical "...
Good Housekeeping invited Black women across a range of ages, salaries and job industries to share what they want from the Biden administration. Here's what they had to say.
Why is Trans ideology 100% misogyny? Filed under: Uncategorized — tildeb @ 10:45 pm Because it tries to first displace and then erase women. The video Adult Human Female cannot be embedded but the Vimeo site ishere. Of course, this documentary is being called transphobic by True Believers...
But don’t do it without a plan. Because the very last thing a tense situation needs is someone full of good intentions but with no knowledge of de-escalation tactics or self-defense. Your intentions are not a tangible shield. If you don’t make a plan, you will get yourself or the ...
There is a little “concern” blah blah from a female prof about “misogyny”, but not much. It’s the obligatory drop in. Also, a few words about homosexuals. Nothing substantive. Men interviewed about their conversion seem to have had some “mega-church” experience, which ultimately left...
And cybersex crimes aren’t just committed by people you wouldn’t recognise in the street; it is likely you would know the person who perpetrates so-called revenge porn (a phrase I do not like for reasons I will soon explain) against you. While most of these repellent crimes might feel...