recently in two ways: external demand growth contributed less toward supporting China’s export growth, and, at least to some extent, China’s growth rate has influenced international commodity prices.Therefore, China’s export growth is approaching a bottleneck that has nothing to do with the U...
Tax credits are more significant than deductions in the sense that they directly lower your tax burden (i.e., they are subtracted from the amount of tax you owe), while deductions only lower the amount of income used in determining your tax burden. Generally, you can apply tax credits ...
The basic structure of the federal income tax is simple.The taxpayer adds up all his taxable sources of income,subtracts certain allowable deductions and exemptions for himself,his wife,children,and other dcpendents,and then applies the tax rates to the difference.But this procedure has many ...
"Yet it is plain, we think, that by the true intent and meaning of the act the entire proceeds of a mere conversion of capital assets were not to be treated as income.Whatever difficulty there may be about a precise and scientific definition of "income," it imports, as used here, some...
An applicable federal rate is an interest rate used in a few ways by the IRS. The most common use of this rate is to calculate...
Annualized income often is a calculation of what an individual’s or business’s income would be for the whole year based on a given period. Figuring annualized income can helptaxpayersmanage their estimated taxes and avoid underpayment penalties. ...
“king of the hill” as the ultimate measure of economic health. At a high level, GDP reports tell you if the U.S. economy is expanding or contracting and why. Companies and the Federal Reserve often base decisions on GDP trends, so investors should understand the data and be ready to ...
What is monetary policy? The Federal Reserve (“the Fed”) operates under a so-called dual mandate of maximizing employment and keeping prices stable. This dual mandate not only helps keep the economic juices flowing by encouraging and facilitating employment, but alsokeeps prices from getting out...
The Federal Reserve System (FRS) is thecentral bankof the United States. Often called the Fed, it is arguably the most influentialfinancial institutionin the world. It was founded to provide the country with a safe, flexible, and stable monetary and financial system.1The Fed has a board of...
The applicable federal rate (AFR) is the minimum interest rate that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) allows for private loans.