1,000 yards for me, on the Stone Bay range at Camp Lejeune. Never shot at a living target at that distance. OldIronFan TGO Benefactor 406 Location:Nolensville Posted March 21, 2022 600 yards is about the longest so far. I was primarily a pistol shooter before getting into some rifl...
One of the best for actually covering the point is at your team's end of the hall when you first come out the door from point 1. You had better have the Wrangler, though, or a sniper at the far end of the can easily take you out. Another point is past point 2, on the middle ...
The cemetery is a Unesco World Heritage site, but Dean’s interest is due to its natural beauty as well as its Nordic Classicism architecture. What was once a gravel quarry overgrown with large pine trees in the early 1900s is now a beautifully manicured resting place with groves of mature ...
Camp of ancient creeps on the side of the forces of Light is now easier to stack. Added story descriptions for all items. Location changes to the order of items in the shop interface: mostly the order has been changed to match the price changes, but some items have moved to other catego...