Fallout 76 is seeing a completely new region arrive in the public test server, with new points interests, enemy factions, weapons, armor, and all other bits of content for players to enjoy once the update hits. Skyline Valley will be located at the southernmost tip of the Savage Divide,...
Bethesda's first Public World, Happy Builder, caters to thearchitects of theFallout 76community. C.A.M.P. placement and building restrictions are reduced, and PvP is completely disabled. In addition, players' maps will have all locations set to Discovered, immediately enabling Fast Travel across...
They want to send a message, rid themselves of stain-by-association, and avoid the fallout. Some seem to want to punish Oxfam for bringing shame upon the aid industry. These responses, however, compound an existing problem in the sector — a focus on short-term fixes rather than long-...
I couldn’t protect him from pandemic fallout during high school. High school happens once and none of us can get time back. All I could do was come alongside him and ride out the storm. It’s been a funny thing having adult children. They need you but you do also need them. Being...