Paley is perhaps best known for his work on natural theology and. In particular, for his articulation of the design argument for the existence of God. • The theology that God existence is the same notion you get when you stub your toe on a stone, people don’t question the stone and...
It's lovely.- Damn straight.- And it's so big.- Well, it's a mansion, is what it is. 口语中常常听到“It is what it is”的说法。通常是带点无奈的说法,比如:That's all I got? Well...It is what it is.我就只有这些了吗?好吧……那就这样了。但是在这里,Rob和Beth夫妻俩刚刚来到豪...
What in God's name is going on? 上帝啊,到底发生了什么? I think director M. Night Shyamalan does a remarkable job at telling a story that begins with a sense of wonder and then slowly builds towards a much more serious feeling of existential dread. 我认为导演沙马兰非常善于讲故事,他以一个...
So choose to give events a meaning that serves you. The simple way to tell if something is serving you is by whether it feels good. I find that if something doesn’t feel good, I usually have a false belief about it. For me, the purpose of life is an opportunity to create the mos...
Sex is how women gain power over men.gain power over sb:征服某人,驾驭某人 27:05 Jumping jacks!是一种运动,开合跳。 27:34 Wanda left the most cryptic message on my answering machine. Before she left for rehab. She intimated that you and Karl were having some sort of marital problems.cry...
The most poular and well-known definition of the Second Truth as found in innumerable places in the original texts as follows: 这一圣谛最通俗而为人所熟知的解说, 在巴利文原典中许多地方都可见到。 'It is this "thirst" (craving, tanha) which produces re-existence and re-becoming ...
Sartre argued that the fundamental principle of existentialism is that "existence precedes essence". 萨特认为,存在主义的基本原则是“存在先于本质”。 In other words, we have to create our own lives, our own selves, our own values. 换句话说,我们必须创造我们自己的生活,我们自己的自我,我们自己的价...
the advaita truth of nondual consciousness, or nonduality , has often been thought of as something hidden or difficult to experience, when it is quite ordinary and available in every moment. nondual consciousness is the natural state. of course, a dramatic experience of oneness is a rare ...
Again, to say some thing is the cause of existence but not a thing is a contradiction. Yes, and I would say that existence cannot be caused, since that whatever cause would necessarily exist as well. I'm just saying that a causeless existence (ie. universe, god, etc.) doe not suffe...