Whatever you do, do it all for the Glory of God-1 Corinthians 10:31: A Christian Journal Filled with Favorite Bible Verses (KJV) - Red Heart Jesus Christ Crucifix- Volume 2 Paperback – October 29, 2018. What is the meaning of glory to God in the highest? 1exaltation, praise, or ho...
Exaltation is defined as a feeling of ecstasy or extreme happiness, or the act of praising someone highly. Whenyou have just had a new baby and are incredibly happy, the feeling you feel is an example of exaltation. ... A feeling of great joy, pride, power, etc.; elation; rapture. S...
Singing, therefore, is quite significant in the Bible. Multiple examples in both the Old and New Testament demonstrate the use of song by mankind, angels, and the Lord Himself. Throughout Scripture, singing is used to worship the Lord, offering praises t
There is no wisdom in a self-exaltation. Other vices have some excuse, for men seem to gain by them; avarice, pleasure, lust, have some plea; but the man who is proud sells his soul cheaply. He opens wide the flood-gates of his heart, to let men see how deep is the flood ...
TheCommentary Critical and Explanatorygives the following insights: "True knowledge makes men humble. Where there is exaltation of self, there knowledge of God is wanting [BENGEL]. Arrange the words following thus: "Bringing every thought (that is,intent of the mind or will) into captivity to ...
It also points to the special place humanity holds in creation, being made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), and the potential for redemption and exaltation through Christ (Philippians 2:9-11). that You should set Your heart upon himThis phrase indicates God's deep care and attention ...
The condition of being or feeling elevated; heightened; exaltation. Level Make (something, especially a score in sport) equal or similar Woods sliced the ball into the net to level the score Ardsley deservedly levelled with two minutes remaining Elevation That which is raised up or elevated; ...
The problem may ultimately rest in the exaltation of sport, and the passing (see what I did there?) over spiritual values. There is nothing wrong with the pursuit of excellence. However, even the pursuit of excellent has to be in moderation. Too much of a good thing is too much. Gotta...
The push for subjectivity was one of Martin Luther’s arguments in his anti-Roman preaching. Angela Pellicciari writes: “With the elimination of the function of the magisterium, the denial of the priestly order, the exaltation of individual freedom and the rejection of the importance of works...
Thus viewed, the picture presented would be of Israel's exaltation, rather than of the salvation of the world. To this, and to the idea of Israel's exclusive spiritual position in the world, must be traced much, that otherwise would seem utterly irrational in the Rabbinic pictures of the ...