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Benevolent altruism with the intention of increasing the well-being of humankind. Charity Indulgence or forbearance in judging others. Philanthropy (uncountable) Charitable giving, charity. As public funding is reduced, we depend increasingly on private philanthropy. Charity Often Charity(Christianity) The...
Etymology philia(love)+sophia(wisdom)=“loveofwisdom”Definition phi?los穙p?hy(f”-ls«e-f)nounpluralphi?los穙p?hiesAbbr.phil.,philos.1.a.Loveandpursuitofwisdombyintellectualmeansandmoralself- discipline.b.Theinvestigationofcausesandlawsunderlyingreality.c.Asystemofphilosophicalinquiryor...
A mother’s love is not easily shaken. My husband’s love is the most important thing in my life. Crush A crowd control barrier. Love Affectionate, benevolent concern or care for other people or beings, and for their well-being. Crush A drink made by squeezing the juice out of fruit....
Get to know all the despotism information with respect to different aspects. You get a general outline of Despotism with respect to all its important parameters like definition, etymology, history, characteristics, structure, pros and cons, etc. All these features have been summarized for you or ...
17As already indicated in dictionaries and other ref-erence works, the wordganluhad been used in Chinese indigenous texts suchas theLaoziChapter 32, signifying sweet dews that pervade the realm asa result of the virtue of a benevolent king.18InthecaseofTibetan,onthe13For the etymology of Skt...
There's a name for people who work for the love of it: amateurs. The word now has such bad connotations that we forget its etymology, though it's staring us in the face. "Amateur" was originally rather a complimentary word. But the thing to be in the twentieth century was professional...
Etymology philia(love)+sophia(wisdom)=“loveofwisdom”Definition philos穙phy(f”-ls«e-f)nounpluralphilos穙phiesAbbr.phil.,philos.1.a.Loveandpursuitofwisdombyintellectualmeansandmoralselfdiscipline.b.Theinvestigationofcausesandlawsunderlyingreality.c.Asystemofphilosophicalinquiryordemonstration...
“Whattiancommandsiscallednaturaltendencies,drawingoutthesenaturaltendenciesiscalledtheproperway,improvinguponthiswayiscallededucation.”天命之謂性率性之謂道修道之謂敎 Zhongyongchap.1 -TheetymologyoftheEnglishword"educate"providesuswithusefuldistinction.
Drawing on previous international research and a Nordic research project, this chapter focuses on the theoretical and conceptual approaches to values education in early childhood education contexts. The aim is twofold: to map the research field of values education as a background for the studies pres...