COVID-19 pandemicGASTROINTESTINAL diseasesDISEASE prevalenceMEDICAL personnelETIOLOGY of diseasesThe new coronavirus disease pandemic is defining 2020, with almost 17.5 million infected individuals and 700 thousand deaths up to beginning of August. It is caused ...
Results of autopsy studies have shown severe structural changes in testes of deceased patients with COVID-19. An acute impairment of spermatogenesis in patients with COVID-19 is probably caused by fever; however, the existence of long-term effects of COVID-19 on fertility, as observed in othe...
2021. “Cocaine addiction is a chronic disease marked by relapses, co-morbidities and the importance of psychosocial consequences. The etiology of cocaine addiction is complex and involves three types of factors: environmental factors, factors linked to the specific effects of cocaine and genetic ...
What is the etiology of asthma? What causes malignant pleural effusion? Why does pneumonia cause pleural effusion? How does pneumonia cause pleural effusion? What is the disease process of COPD? Why does airway obstruction in chronic lung disease cause hypercapnia?
Late in December of 2019 Chinese authorities reported an outbreak of pneumonia with unknown etiology in Wuhan, Hubei province, to the World Health Organization [1]. A few days later, on January 10, 2020 (at 8:07 pm Eastern Standard Time to be exact [personal communication by Edward Holmes]...
Etiology and pathophysiology of COVID-19 COVID-19 is caused by SARS-CoV-2, which is an enveloped virus with a positive-strand and single-stranded RNA genome that belongs to the β-coronavirus subfamily [6]. The RNA genome of SARS-CoV-2, approximately 30 kb, encodes 14 open reading ...
Since long COVID is not a simple disease that has clear etiology, pathogenesis and clinical course, but a complex disorder involving many organs at the same time, it’s appropriate to call this long COVID syndrome (LCS). In this context, it’s similar to the ‘stress syndrome’, as orig...
WHO warns that COVID-19 is "public enemy number 1" and potentially more powerful than terrorism [2]. According to PubMed (https://www.ncbi.nlm., in less than two months, over 200 papers have been published on COVID-19 including its virology, epidemiology, etiology, ...
Immunology can be described as a branch of science that involves the study of the immune system. Through the application of immunology, various medical discoveries pertaining to the immune system have been made. These discoveries include various vaccination such as those for Covid-19 and treatment ...
What is etiological treatment? 1 : of, relating to, or based on etiology etiologic treatment ofa disease seeks to remove or correct its cause. 2 : causing or contributing to the cause of a disease or condition smoking is an etiologic factor in the production of arteriosclerosis— F. A. Fau...