What is the equation used to find the angle of refraction? Refraction: Refraction is the property of a wave that makes it bend when it travels through a different medium. This is true for both transverse and longitudinal waves, mechanical or electromagnetic. When the medium changes from le...
Related to this Question How do you find the momentum of Photon? (a) What is the wavelength of a photon that has a momentum of 5.00 times 10^{-29} kg. m/s? (b) Find its energy in eV. What is the momentum of an x-ray photon with a frequency of 2.100e+18 Hz?
laws identify measurable properties of a physical system that don't change as the system moves through time. Conserved quantities in physics include charge, linear and angular momentum, and mass-energy, the latter of which is the relationship Einstein expressed in his famous equation E = mc²....
is known as moment of force or torque. now we will consider the example of a door and try to formulate the equation for torque. if we apply force closer to the hinge, then a larger force is required to rotate the door. also, it depends on the direction in which the force is being...
I think it would be good to point out that the notion of "canonical momentum" in Hamiltonian mechanics need not coincide with this one (as is the case for e.g. a particle coupled to the electromagnetic field) When applied to the EM field, we use a field theoretic version of Noether's...
Undoubtedly the most famous equation ever written is E=mc². This equation says that energy is equal to the rest mass of the object times the speed of light squared (c is universally accepted as the speed of light). What is this equation actually telling us? Mathematically, since the spe...
It is now tempting to try to set up an approximately scale-invariant blowup solution. It seems that the first step in this is to construct a “soliton” type localized steady state solution, that is a solution , to the equation that decays in the variable; one can then hope to do a...
Displacement | Definition, Symbol & Equation from Chapter 4/ Lesson 6 97K What is the meaning of "displacement?" Understand the differences between "distance" and "displacement." Related to this Question What is the dimensional formula of angular velocity?
Momentum (p) is closely linked to speed (v) through the equation: p=mv so the object gains momentum throughout its fall. The mass of the object doesn't affect how quickly it falls under gravity, but massive objects have more momentum at the same speed because of this rel...
Momentum tradingis a strategy that seeks to capitalize on the momentum to enter a trend as it is picking up steam. In equities, broad market increases in corporate profits can help to create positive price momentum. In fixed-income securities, falling interest rates can be a catalyst for price...