Title IX is best known for its role in gender equity in athletics and sexual harassment on campuses, but the landmark U.S. law covers a wide variety of topics. Title IX, the law best known for its role in gender equity in athletics and preventing sexual harassment on campuses, is turnin...
It is not only the Group of 5 that has been punished, but the Pac-12, too. For that reason, the imbalance at the top has only grown starker -- and the entire sport has become so regionalized, it feels somewhat impossible for those outside the elite power status or west of Oklahoma ...
Davis, W.; Musaddiq, T. Estimating the Effects of Universal Free School Meal Enrollment on Child Health: Evidence from the Community Eligibility Provision in Georgia Schools. February 2019. Available online:https://ssrn.com/abstract=3155354(accessed on 15 June 2021). ...
The University of California Office of the President (UCOP) has been concerned about the disproportionately low rate of some racial/ethnic groups on campuses of the University of California (UC) and is committed to increasing the enrollment of traditionally underrepresented racial and ethnic groups on...