Minimum work needed to move a car up an incline means that we try to move the car very slowly such that the car can be said to have gained none of any kinetic energy during the moving process. And the only energy associated with the car is the potenti...
Answer to: What is the rest energy (in joules) of a subatomic particle whose rest mass is 6.7 x 10^-31 kg? How many MeV's of energy is this? By...
In terms of heat energy, one joule is the amount required to raise the temperature of a gram of water by 0.24 degrees Celsius. Heating a swimming pool during winter requires billions of joules. 7 Erg Ergs measure work in a similar way to joules but on a much smaller scale. Pushing a ...
The British thermal unit (BTU) is the analog to the calorie and is an inexact measurement. A BTU is the energy required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by 1°F. A BTU is slightly less energy than 1 kilojoule. Specifically measured energy in this system is usually expresse...
Energy is the capacity for doing work, and it is also expressed in joules.Kinetic and Potential Energy An object in motion possesses its energy of movement, which is equivalent to the work that would be required to bring it to rest. This is called its kinetic energy, and it is dependent...
Well this is an interesting explanation of joule conversions. I can now finally quantify the impact of my solitude. As a quiet person, I emit 100 joules of energy every second! I am not sure if that’s a big or a high number, but I’ll bet that it’s on the low side since you...
The SI unit of energy is Joule which is named after James Prescott Joule and the unit is same as the unit of power. The CGS unit of energy is erg. Visit BYJU'S to learn more.
Where E is the energy in Joules, L is the inductance in Henries and I is the current in amps. If you have an inductor of 20uH with a 5A current flowing through it, then the energy stored will be 0.00025J. In this aspect inductors too, like capacitors, hold very little energy. ...
Answer to: A 1665-kg car is traveling down the road at 89.4 km/h. While traveling at this rate of speed, what is the kinetic energy of this vehicle...
In a static electric field, the work required to move per unit of charge between two points is known as voltage. Mathematically, the voltage can be expressed as, Where work done is in joules and charge is in coulombs. We can define voltage as the amount of potential energy between two ...