What is the Endothelium? What is Streptococcus Bacteria? What are Different Types of Heart Disease? What are Heart Palpitations? Discussion Comments ByContentum— On Dec 15, 2013 If you check the article some more it states that the injuries that are sustained from someone having a heart attack...
What Are Aldosterone Antagonists? What Are the Different Types of Central Nervous System Agents? What Is the Connection between Renin and Hypertension? What Is the Connection between Renin and Blood Pressure? What Is a Renin Antagonist? What Are Renin Inhibitors? What Is Angiotensin II? Discussion ...
Endothelium:The endothelium is a layer of cells that line the interior portion of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels. The endothelium forms a single cell layer between the blood and the vessel wall. The cells that form part of the endothelium are called endothelial cells....
The allantois isan extension of the posterior wall of the yolk sac. Its exact role in development is unclear, though its blood vessels do become the umbilical blood vessels. It gives rise to a structure called the urachus which contributes to the superior wall of the urinary bladder. What is...
Nitric oxide is a molecule found in the inner layer of your blood vessels, the endothelium. It acts as a messenger molecule that transmits signals to cells in various parts of your body such as the cardiovascular, nervous and immune systems. Once released through exercise, nitric oxide works ...
It's kind of weird that there is erectile tissue in the nose and in the ears as well as the more obvious places. I guess I never really thought of the nose or the ears as needing to come erect. From what I read the tissue in the nose, which is called the turbinates, at least ...
What is the smooth membrane that is tightly adherent to the kidney surface? The Kidney: The kidneys are paired organs located in the posterior abdominal cavity on either side of the vertebral column. The functional unit of the kidney is called the nephron. Each kidney contains 1 to...
Wonderful Use 1: Promote the progress of labor During the maternal delivery process, the speed of cervical dilation depends to a certain extent on the conditions of the cervix itself. When the cervix is tough or edematous, it can only increase labor force, but the effect is not good...
MICROALBUMINURIA IN DIABETES : What is the mechanism of microalbuminuria in diabetes: a role for the glomerular endothelium?Abstractin diabetes
What is subendothelial layer? [ sŭb′ĕn-dō-thē′lē-əl ] n.The thin layer of connective tissue lying between the endothelium and elastic lamina in the intima of blood vessels.