What emotion does green represent? Green represents positive emotions, such as joy, peace, and harmony. Many psychologists believe that the color green promotes stress reduction. How many shades of green exist? As of the present, it is believed that at least 295 exist and are currently document...
The Emotional Spectrum, which associates a specific color to an emotion, and these emotions are what power up the lantern rings.Red is Anger, Orange is Greed, Yellow is Fear, Green is Willpower, Blue is Hope, Indigo is Compassion, and Violet is Love. There is also White and Black, repr...
In a sentence, every word functions as a part of speech, or plays role. One of these roles is an adjective. An adjective is a modifier used to describe a noun or pronoun. Answer and Explanation: When describing a mood, you can use many different adjectives, depending on the emotion. If...
i felt you heart i figured maybe if my i filled with emotion i finally understand i find complete love i find it hare to tel i find it kinda sad i find my way i find the one that i i find them alright i find you have gone i firmly believe that i followed behind i forever stay...
Information Philosopher is dedicated to the new Information Philosophy, with explanations for Freedom, Values, and Knowledge.
everytypeofemotion. 18 Asmusicisaway toexpressemotions,manyteenagersmighttryto maketheirown music,whichcancreatehealthy emotionalexpression. 19 Thus,listeningto musiccanteach teenagersalotabouttheirowncultureandother cultures.Theycanlearnmusicaltraditions,musicalinstruments,historylessonsandmore.Plus,as listeningto...
as if a belching volcano is about to explode . . . along the lines of exasperation displayed in the iconic scene from the 1976 movieNetwork— for although the sources of fear and anger that weigh heavy on our minds have changed in the past 38 years, the impact is the same . . . un...
What I like is to feel emotion… and I agree even more when I see the sales results. — Bernard Arnault 60 If you're feeling emotional when you're creating something, it'll sound that way. — Steve Vai 27 Feelings or emotions are the universal language and are to be honored. They...
Gabrielle Kassel (she/her) is a sex and wellness journalist who writes at the intersection of queerness, sexual health, and pleasure. In addition to Women’s Health, her work has appeared in publications such as Shape, Cosmopolitan, Well+Good, Health, Self, Men’s Health, Greatist, and ...