Education is always the focus of all countries, including America. And what is the education like in the USA? Most children there start to go to school at the age of 5. Public education is free and most children go to schools near their homes. School in these early years is fun. The...
根据短文内容,选择正确答案( )1 What is the Labour education?A. 道德与法治B. 劳动与实践( )2 Which
什么是“好的教育”What is "good education"|枫叶初中“三好习惯”养成记 有人说:好的教育应该是培养终生运动者、责任担当者、问题解决者和优雅生活者。 有人说:“好教育”,就是让学生“过一种幸福完整的教育生活”。 有人说...
Summary of Karl Jaspers' "What is Education" #碎碎念 说教育的人很多,但是作者的自己的人品首先要过关。雅斯贝尔斯无疑是可以信任的。🌱 The Core Philosophy of EducationKarl Jaspers presents education as an existential journey that fosters the growth of free, responsible individuals. He contrasts this ...
Some people believe the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to society. Others say the purpose of education is to achieve personal ambitions. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 1题目大意 有的人认为教育的目的是为了培养对社会有用的个体,另一些人认为教育的目的是为了...
思维新题根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )1. What is the labour education?A. 道德与法治B. 劳动与实践C. 体育与健康(
What is his education _ ?,意为他的学历是什么,根据句意和细节education _ 和选项A balance平衡 B bakery面包店 C background 背景D badminton羽毛球可知,为固定搭配,教育背景的表达,为名词背景搭配education形式。 本题为单选题,题干为38. What is his education _ ?,意为他的学历是什么,根据句意和细节...
The education, is take promotes person's development, society's progress as a goal, take teaches the knowledge, the experience as the method, raises person's social activity. The education is one kind changes the humanity to the objective world understanding way, one kind guides humanity's tho...
I'm Dr.Eyres, and it's my great honor to be here today to share a topic about The impact of robots on humansWhat is the purpose of educationSome people believe the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to society. Others say the purpose of education is to ...
1) What is education 《什么是教育》 1. What is educationwas one of his representative works on educational exposition. 《什么是教育》是其关于教育论述的代表作之一。 更多例句>> 2) What is EDUCATION, anyway? 教育究竟是什么? 3) What is long-range education?