The European Court of Human Rights rules on individual or State applications alleging violations of the civil and political rights set out in the European Convention on Human Rights. Additional information can be found atEuropean Convention on Human Rights ...
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The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), founded in 1959 as an organ of the Council of Europe (CoE), handles litigation involving violation of CoE treaties. ECHR has heard thousands of cases of individuals who were denied jus- tice in their home countries, mostly regarding failure to ...
Sir, "Europe is better than this," says François Heisbourg in his stinging indictment of Europe for the absence of vision, creativity and decency in its responses to one of history's most alarming refugee crises ("France cannot indulge the xenophobes on immigration", August 28). Indeed,...
In the setting of involuntary mental health care, however, it is apparent that this right, like the right to liberty, is a qualified right. A number of important UK cases and cases in the European Court of Human Rights have explored this ECHR "right to respect for private and family life...