The Dymaxion map or Fuller map is a projection of a world map onto the surface of an icosahedron, which can be unfolded and flattened to two dimensions. The flat map is heavily interrupted in order to preserve shapes and sizes. Advantages: ...
TAKEAWAYWith a little preparation, you can use Mapbox to render geometries in a projection other than Mercator. Yet we do not expect this will increase the popularity of Dymaxion. On-the-fly Runtime Styling Here’s how runtime or “data-driven” styling works, in a nutshell: ...
The Unicode Consortium is constantly evaluating cultural trends for emoji candidates and adding millions of new emoji every year to fully index human communication. what3emojis is a global Dymaxion grid of gazillions of 4m×4m triangles. Each triangle has a 3-emoji address that will eventually be...