Synopsis: The infamous Agatha Harkness finds herself down and out of power after a suspicious goth teen helps break her free from a distorted spell. Her interest is piqued when he begs her to take him on the legendary "Witches’ Road," a magical gauntlet of trials that, if surv...
Tiana is hosting a party and needs to head into the Bayou to find the special ingredient. We'll embark on a journey with her and Louis. We can expect music and an aura of Bayou magic. There is some incredible nighttime lighting coming to the nighttime facade of Tiana's Bayou Adventure ...
Master Shifu, voiced by Dustin Hoffman, is an integral character within the "Kung Fu Panda" franchise, providing wisdom and guiding the next generation of great warriors within the Furious Five, as well as Po (Jack Black). Amid all the tough love and jokes, there's one nagging question th...
Another popular Kawaii cat character is Gudetama (alias lazy egg), a femalecalico catcreated in 2013 by Sanrio. Her name means “relax,” and she does indeed look quite relaxed, with her eyes shut and body almost in a comma. Gudetama has graced the pages of several Japanese magazines and ...
Quiz Game “CHRISTMAS” Choose the name of your team merry cats funny dogs nice foxes smart bears pink elephants happy birds. Unit 2 Travelling Reading. Welcome to Japan Sanrio Puroland a famous indoor theme park Hello Kitty Land ( Tokyo, Japan ) ...