1. The dodo was a flightless bird, with a large body, small wings, and a long beak. It had grey feathers, a white tail, and strong legs. 2. The dodo died out mainly due to human activities. When humans arrived on the island of Mauritius, they hunted the dodo for its tasty meat....
解析 答案:what→how.考查改错.句意:这个故事讲的是渡渡鸟是多么愚蠢.what+(a/an)+形容词+名词+主语+谓语, how +形容词+主语+谓语,是英语感叹句的固定表达方式,foolish是形容词"愚蠢的",所以改为how. 这个故事讲的是渡渡鸟是多么愚蠢 反馈 收藏
根据要求改写句子,每空一词1those pencils are not kitty’s (改为同义句)those pencils___ ___ ___kitty2what an unusual animal the dodo is(改为同义句)___ ___ ___ ___ ___!3how amazing the news is!(改为同义句
【渡渡鸟的真面目 What the Dodo Actually Looked Like】已灭绝的渡渡鸟的真身究竟是何模样?博物馆的生物学家能给出答案吗?大英自然历史博物馆中展出的大部分展品都是真的,但也有一些灭绝已久的动物搜寻不到任何踪迹!比如蓝鲸和梁龙就都是模型展出,其中还有一种灭绝已久的渡渡鸟!身为展馆研究员的重建艺术家能帮...
渡渡鸟是一种体型圆润、外貌独特且已灭绝的鸟类。以下是对渡渡鸟特征的详细描述: 一、体型与外貌 渡渡鸟拥有圆润而略显笨重的身体,站立时显得非常稳重。其体长可达1米左右,体重则介于10至20公斤之间。这种体型特征使得渡渡鸟在行走和奔跑时都显得非常有力。 二、羽毛特点 渡渡鸟的...
cats and dogs ate the dodo's 7Dodos soon 8渡渡鸟很快就灭绝了。教材问题答案 。1 island 2 food 3 animals 4 Humans 5 cut down 6 hunted、7 eggs 8 died out4Answer the questions.回答问题。1 Why is the dodo "just a character" to some readers?对一些读者来说为什么渡渡鸟“仅仅是一个角色” ...
The world is full/ful/ of看到我们时,请记住我们悲惨的故事。这个世界充满着fantastic/faen'taestik/ animals. Please try your best to help them.极好的动物。请尽你最大努力帮助它们。5Make them as happy as a clam/klaem/, not as dead as a dodo.让它们非常高兴(clam:)而非死气沉沉。 相关知识...
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1.What’slike 2.Howis 3.dodo 4.Howgoing 5.isn’tit 【解析】 1.How ‘s the weather?= What’s the weather like?天气怎么样?故为(1). What’s (2). like 。 2.对sunny提问,是询问天气怎么样,故用How ‘s the weather? 故为(1... ...
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