The Disney Renaissance is an era of animation that ran from 1989 to 1999. It is the most financially lucrative timeframe for the Walt Disney Animation Studios. Featuring ten films, most of them ranged from fairly successful to massively successful at the box office. While the musical nature of...
As the Middle Ages gave way to the Scientific Revolution, the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment, people were allowed to take a more direct approach in studying the human anatomy. This led most famously to Leonardo da Vinci, who is the most well known person to perfectly combine medicin...
Tarzanis sort of the ugly duckling of the Disney Renaissance. (Admittedly, most ugly duckings do not have abs that incredibly shredded.) The film did well at the box office, its soundtrack didreallywell, and Disney churned out two direct-to-video sequels, and a short-lived Broadway adapta...
Trentino is home to some of the most ancient and well-known castles in Europe. From the sumptuous and imposing Renaissance-style Buonconsiglio Castle to the heavily frescoed Gothic Arco Castle, you’ll find every type of Medieval structure to fuel your fancy. For a truly breathtaking experience...
The fantasy station is one of the many visionary elements ofCOWBOY CARTER, an album that honors the culturalcontributions of Black artiststo American country music. The eighth studio project is Act II of her album trilogy; while the first installmentRENAISSANCE(2022) focused on futuristic escap...
It’s no coincidence that the arrival of lyricist Howard Ashman at Disney heralded the dawn of the studio’s Renaissance era. Ashman - alongside writing partnerAlan Menken- transformed the House of Mouse’s fortunes with their Oscar-winning music forThe Little MermaidandBeauty & The Beast, contr...
There's even an indie adult game renaissance of sorts in the making. On platforms like Patreon, top adult games have thousands of fans paying monthly subscriptions to support their favorite creators. There are hundreds of thousands of porn games on the internet, with dozens of new ones cropping...
This is one of the most popular animated movies that kicked off the Disney Renaissance of great movies and it includes some fantastic iconic songs that you can sing along with. This colourful adventure tells the story of an impetuous mermaid princess named Ariel who falls in love with the very...
The shorts include Final Flight of the Osiris, The Second Renaissance, Kid's Story, Program, World Record, Beyond, A Detective Story and Matriculated. Alien Hunter (2003) More like this >> Government agents find evidence of extraterrestrial life at the South Pole. Babylon 5: The Lost Tales ...
and even the Disney Renaissance films, utilize a musical theater genre, making them instantly timeless,Wish,like several recent films, chose a more modern sound. But whileMoanaandEncantopull it off, much of the credit goes torenowned composerLin-Manuel Miranda. Best known for his popular musical...