but the ultimate goal of ongoing research is to find a remedy that is safe, effective, and accessible for everyone living with HIV. However, the nature of the virus presents significant challenges. HIV has a unique ability to integrate its genetic material into the cells of the host, making...
Scientists had identified various types of chimpanzees in central Africa as the main source of HIV infections that had affected the humans. It is believed that the chimpanzee version of this virus was most likely transmitting to humans, and then it mutated into HIV when the humans hunted these ...
Once HIV gets into the body, it starts developing slowly from one stage to another. It develops by replicating itself within the body as it replaces the CD4+ cells. Towards the last stage, HIV causes AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome).This happens when the number of CD4+ cells is ve...
You have AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) when your CD4 count is less than 200. AIDS is the final stage of HIV infection. AIDS means your immune system cannot fight off infections and disease. This can become life-threatening. Seek care immediately if you think you may have been ...
3. - Protein C is borderline irresponsible. Except that the safe stuff isn't doing squat. 蛋白质C的用量临界点有点微妙,而用少了又基本没什么效果 - It's exactly the type of thing you would do. 这种剑走偏锋的事倒像是你一贯的作风 4. - One thing Cuddy is not, is clueless. 卡蒂的字典里...
A positive HIV test doesn’t mean you have AIDS, the most advanced stage of the disease. HIV treatment can keep you from getting AIDS, so talk to your doctor right away about starting medications called antiretroviral therapy (ART). These drugs lower the amount of the virus in your body,...
How is hepatitis B treated?Hepatitis B may last a short time and go away on its own without treatment. It may also become chronic, leading to liver damage and disease. If needed, the goal of treatment is to prevent the disease from getting worse and leading to more serious liver problems...
Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social ServicesBarnes WM, Abramowitz S, Lagrange R, Chandwani S, Moschel DBA, Koenig LJ. Disease-specific knowledge among HIV-infected adolescents: what do they know and how do they learn it? J HIV AIDS Soc Serv. 2013; 12 (3):314–32....
Examples of these diseases with this syndrome include diabetes, Addison's disease, or Parkinson's disease. Orthostatic hypotension is a common symptom of Shy-Drager syndrome. Shy-Drager syndrome is a rare disease in which the autonomic nervous system degenerates and cannot provide the routine ...
Have HIV. Have abnormal liver tests, liver disease, or are onkidney dialysis. Had a blood transfusion or an organ transplant before July 1992. Received a blood product used to treat clotting problems before 1987. Work in health care, emergency medical services, or public safety where you could...