CBD varieties and strengths, and CBD-related terminology that’s out there. It can get confusing when it comes to figuring out what the difference is between CBD oil and hemp seed oil. The first thing you should know is that hemp seed oil has been around for quite some...
CBD is the primary active cannabinoid in hemp, with far smaller quantities found in THC-dominant marijuana. American chemist Roger Adams first identified it in 1940. While CBD is one of today’s best-known cannabinoids, it wasn’t the first to be discovered—CBNwas first described several deca...
What is the difference between CBD, cannabis, hemp, marijuana, and THC? There is still a lot of confusion over what exactly is CBD, with many people thinking cannabis, hemp, marijuana, CBD and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) are the same thing. They are not. ...
What Is The Difference Between CBD Hemp Oil And Hemp Seed Oil? Hemp Seed Oil is derived from the hemp seeds and is mainly used for dietary purposes (imagine something similar to coconut oil). Refined hemp seed oil can also be used in beauty care products, as it has amazing skin care pr...
What is the difference between hemp cream and CBD cream? Unlike CBD oil, which contains cannaboids, hemp seed oil only comes from the seeds of Cannabis sativa, which do not contain CBD. However, as part of topical moisturizing products, hempseed oil does containvaluablemoisturizing properties th...
What is the Difference Between Hemp oil and CBD Oil? The termshemp oil and CBD oil can often be used interchangeably, most may not even know that there can be, in fact, a difference between the two. The maindifference between hemp oil and CBD oilis found in where they are extracted. ...
For starters, what is the difference between Hemp and Marijuana?. lets take a look at the following presentation. Below is a short FREE video for you, this will teach a little more of what CBD is and the benefits behind this wonderful Natural compound!
What is the difference between CBD and THC? Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are the two most prominent cannabinoids found in Cannabis, the plant genus that includes both hemp and marijuana. While there are over 100 different cannabinoids so far identified in cannabis by scientists...
What’s the difference between CBD vs. THC effects? Since CBD and THC interact with the body in different ways, each individual may have a unique experience. The Effects of Using CBD CBD is a non-intoxicating cannabinoid, which means that using CBD does not elicit a euphoric effect or alte...
speak of hemp and marijuana interchangeably, they weren’t entirely off base. After all, hemp is Cannabis sativa, which is also used for marijuana (the latter can also come from Cannabis indica). Hemp also contains many of the cannabinoids that all cannabis is known for, such as CBD. ...