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See the full definition of reconciliation in the dictionary of English language learners They called for peace, reconciliation and the safe return of Father Gregorio. The nominal form of reconciliation is reconciliation, which refers to the reconciliation process. It is also the name of a Catholic ...
Reference the dictionary for word meanings. Reference To mention, to cite. In his speech, the candidate obliquely referenced the past failures of his opponent. Reference (programming) To contain the value that is a memory address of some value stored in memory. The given pointer will reference ...
Define What is art. What is art synonyms, What is art pronunciation, What is art translation, English dictionary definition of What is art. abbr. antiretroviral therapy n. 1. a. The conscious use of the imagination in the production of objects intended t
Also found in:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Medical,Legal,Financial,Idioms,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. Related to SEARCH:Job search AcronymDefinition SEARCHStudy of Environmental Arctic Change(University of Washington Applied Physics Lab; Seattle, WA) SEARCHServitude and Emancipation Archival Research Clearinghouse ...
the premise of a deliberative democracy is fashioned. The more persons are involved with, concerned by and able to altering how political energy is exercised over their lives, the extra acceptable and legitimate the law becomes to the people. There isn’t any clear authorized definition of the ...
The modern definition of hi-fi is a bit ambiguous. Is it CD or vinyl quality? Or is it something even higher resolution than that? The term “hi-fi” — or“high fidelity”— dates back to the 1950s when it was used to describe audio equipment that was able to faithfully reproduce ...
attempt to define a word without it’s context. Defining a word simply from it’s root might lead us into the root fallacy. For example, if we were to define the world “butterfly” by it’s roots, “butter” and “fly” we would not come up with a correct definition of a butter...
Should it be ', which is the' or ', witch is the'? You should use ', which is the'. These phrases are often confused because they sound the same. Some synonyms ofwitchare: crone, enchantress, sorceress, mage. Some synonyms ofwhichare: whichever, that. ...
In the world of human and animal medications, specialization is‘in’, while diversification is the kiss of death. TheCambridge Dictionaryhas the following definitionsof specialization: “ 1. A particular area of knowledge or the process of becoming an expert in a particular area. ...