The false dichotomy: Centralized Exchanges v. Non-Custodial Wallets For years the status-quo perpetuated a dangerous misconception: There are only 2 ways to store crypto. This false dichotomy is why so many potential crypto-enthusiasts haven’t started to get involved in the ecosystem. ...
This dichotomy comes from the delicate dance of their traits, including their groundedness and sensuality. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet that represents beauty, love and pleasure, so their romantic nature makes sense. At the same time, Taureans are realistic and strive to keep their ...
Modern computing is based on Boolean logic, which is based on the usual 'true or false' (1 or 0) dichotomy, and the logical OR symbol is a Boolean function that indicates an inclusive disjunction between statements. Fuzzy logic, by contrast, is an approach to computing based on 'degrees o...
“You can either go with me to the party tonight or sit at home alone and be bored all night.” Theeither-or fallacyis also known as thefalse dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy, or false binary. Table of contents What is the either-or fallacy?
Enterprise cloud computing is a combination of distributed, private & public cloud services for a single point of control for infrastructure & applications.
Although data structures and algorithms do not have such a noble dream as mine, their appearance is always the same as mine. Want to increase efficiency in less time and less storage. Where can I start? Irons, the consumption time of CPU and RAM, the bandwidth time of communication, the ...
A false dilemma, also known as a false dichotomy, claims there are only two options in a given situation. Often, these two options are extreme opposites of each other, failing to acknowledge that other, more reasonable, options exist. Example: If you don’t support my decision, you were...
A dichotomy is a partition of a whole (or a set) into two parts (subsets). In other words, this couple of parts must be jointly exhaustive: everything must belong to one part or the other, and mutually exclusive: nothing can belong simultaneously to both parts.Such a partition is also...
What is a descriptive claim? What is ethnoarchaeology? What is the classical dichotomy? What is the Hispanic paradox? What is positivist victimology? What is positivism? What is the purpose of an appeal to logic? What is a plaintiff?
Dichotomyis an idea split in two. It’s much the same with the prefixuni-, which indicates one, as inunique,unite,andunicornor the prefixtri-, which indicates three, as intripod,triangle, ortriplet. The next time you’re tempted to say or write that you have a dilemma, make sure you...