What in general is suggested by Soul, Self, Ego, or to use the Sanskrit expression Atman, 一般用到「灵魂」、「自我」、「个我」或梵文里的「神我」 is that in man there is a permanent, everlasting and absolute entity, 这些字眼的时候,它们所提示的意义是: 在人身中有一恒常不变、 亘古长存...
‘The dustless and stainless Eye of Truth (Dhamma-cakkhu) has arisen.' 到处都用「得净法眼」一词。 ‘He has seen Truth, has attained Truth, has known Truth, has penetrated into Truth, 又如「他已见道、得道、知道,深入实相, has crossed over doubt, is without wavering.' 尽祛疑惑,意志坚定...
includes other defilements and impurities (kilesa, sasava dhamma), in addition to tanha 'thirst' which is always given the first place. 除了以渴(爱)为主要原因以外, 还包括了其它的烦恼不净法。 Within the necessarily limited space of our discussion, 本文篇幅有限,无法详论, it will be sufficient...
we will not absolutely be the result of what we are. The present is no doubt the offspring of the past and is the parent of the future, but the present is not always a true index of either the past or the future - so complex is the working of Kamma. ...
What is 'Nibbāna'? 现在暂不详细解答,这里可简单解释为“逝世”。 This will be fully explained later. It may be simply interpreted as death. 佛涅槃前后的情形是怎样? What were the circumstances immediately before and after the Buddha's Nibbāna?
What was the first thing the Buddha taught? According to the Buddhist tradition,the Dhammacakkappavattana Suttais the first teaching given by the Buddha after he attained enlightenment. According to Buddhist tradition, the Buddha attained enlightenment and liberation while meditating under the Bodhi Tr...
Yes it does exist, the Buddha called it pāpa. The main form it takes is in the actions of killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying and taking intoxicants.“A sage at peace is not born, does not age, does not die... He has nothing whereby he would be born. Not being born, ...
To avoid all evil, to cultivate good, and to purify one's mind—this is the teaching of the Buddhas. (Dhammapada 183.)
Buddhism stands unique in the history of human thought 在人类的思想史中,佛教是独一无二 in denying the existence of such a Soul, Self, or Atman. 不承认这灵魂、自我或神我的存在者。 According to the teaching of the Buddha, 根据佛的教诫, the idea of self is an imaginary, false belief...
is explained by the Buddha in his teaching of the 'Ten Duties of the King'(dasa-rajakhamma), as given in the Jataka text. 在《佛本生经》里的十王法 (国王的十种职责)经Dasa rajadhamma Sutta中,佛曾作过解释。 Of course the term 'king'(Raja) of old should be replaced today by the ...