Work–life balance (WLB) remains a pressing challenge in today’s fast-paced society. The current study addresses this prominent issue by examining whether employment type and individual characteristics shape perceptions of WLB among entrepreneurs and wa
California made many other errors, but its decision to get single-deck trains is correct in its use case: the high-speed trainset market is almost entirely single-deck, and the issue of platform length is not relevant to captive high-speed rail since the number of stations that need high-...
The evolution of pirates from their villainous golden age status to their near legendary standing in eyes today is derived from numerous revisions of the piratical phenotype that have arisen throughout the past three hundred years in literature and popular culture alike. The development of a love ...
The first known use of the word‘Rastafarianism’ in 1938 referred to a religion practiced in Jamaica. 1937: Blitzkrieg, pizzazz Hoffman, Heinrich // Wikimedia Commons 1937: Blitzkrieg, pizzazz Other notable words: bubble gum, ice-cream headache, press conference, rat race, senior citizen, ...
So little of what one is threads itself through the eye of empty space faith,personal Against the Nashville Statement faith,links,medicine,music,personal Links for July 16, 2017 parenting,personal This Too Shall Pass criminal justice,politics ...
To fill the gap, we are building the first global database on PDBs and DFIs worldwide. We aim to make three original contributions: (1) propose the qualification criteria and operational indicators of PDBs and DFIs to clearly distinguish them from other institutional arrangements, including (but...
According to Glassman, Phelps’ workouts can burn 4,000 to 6,000 calories in a day, and those calories must be added in order to train the following day. Snacking Secrets Some athletes eat strange foods that improve their performance. Yohan Blake, the Jamaica sprinter and 100-meter world ...
To achieve this status, you’ll need to focus on the visuals just as much as the emotional connection with your audience. Your customers want to feel like they’re part of your brand. When brand recognition is on point, it canopen doors to new opportunitiesandcreate long-lastingcustomer loy...
Spreading our wings Cooperation is at the centre of everything we do. With our extensive network of international partners, we address key global challenges. Find out more about where we come from & what we have achieved so far: Our publications Other publications ...
‘Grief is a rational response’: the 21 US species declared extinct this year | Endangered species | The Guardian Northwest Australia searing under extreme heatwave conditions ( The Great Malaise: The Search For Meaning During Times of Indifference – The ...