A simple definition of computer hardware is “any physical parts or components that contribute to a computer system.” There are several different kinds of hardware inside a PC. Both desktop and laptop PCs include these types of hardware, though the size and type differ because of a laptop’s...
What is consonance? Consonance is a literary device that repeats the same consonant sounds in adjacent or nearby words, like the –ck sound in tick tock or the n sound in lone ranger. The same vowel sounds are not required, so consonance words don’t always rhyme. Moreover, unlike rhymes...
Static Character Definition A static character, also known as a flat character, is a literary archetype that lacks significant development or changes over the course of the story. These characters are typically portrayed with a consistent set of traits, beliefs, and behaviors that remain constant th...
Britannica Dictionary definition of WHAT :in what way What[=how] does it matter? Whatdoes she care? [=why is it important to her?] so what informal —used to say that something said or done is not important She has a glass of wine now and then—so what?
A tick is an individualquoteof a financial asset (currency,stock, etc.) provided by the information system. In other words, in thetrading platform, a tick is any single change or movement in the quote upwards or downwards. It may change by one or morepoint. ...
A "tick" is any change in the price of the security, whether that movement is up or down. A stock ticker automatically displays these ticks, along with other relevant information, like tradingvolume, that investors and traders use to stay informed about current market conditions and the interes...
What Does Backtick Mean? A backtick in computer science represents a “shell” form of command structure that some call a “double operator.” Essentially, the use of backticks allows for evaluating a string as part of a general command. It may be used in computing languages like Perl or...
What is a verb? A verb is a word that expresses an action or a state of being. As you can see from that definition, there are two main categories of verbs:action verbsandstate of beingverbs (also known aslinking verbs). Because action verbs and linking verbs are strong enough to be ...
For more information, see What are Azure AI Speech high definition (HD) voices?. Video translation is now available in the Azure AI Speech service. For more information, see What is video translation?. The Azure AI Speech service supports OpenAI text to speech voices. For more information, ...
Definition Interest rate futures are a financial derivative contract where the underlying asset is an interest-bearing instrument, typically a government bond. When volatility strikes the bond markets, traders turn to interest rate futures to hedge risks or speculate on where interest rates will head....