Use the adjective sorrowful to describea sad feeling, especially when it involves grief or loss. ... Sorrowful is a melancholy adjective: when your heart is broken, you are sorrowful, and when your beloved cat dies you're also sorrowful. There is a sense of permanent loss behind the word ...
love is a feeling, more specifically it is your affection toward someone or a group of individuals. different people have different opinions on love, but the dictionary definition of love states that it is a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person or a feeling of w...
Full Definition of moratorium 1a :a legally authorized period of delay in the performance of a legal obligationor the payment of a debt. b : a waiting period set by an authority. 2 : a suspension of activity. Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More About moratorium. What is the d...
Love is giving. 爱是给予 Love is living. 爱是生活 Love is taking someone's load. 爱是承载别人的负担 Love helps them along the road. 爱让他们一路平安 Love is caring. 爱是关心 Love is sharing. 爱是分享 Love will seek the best for others.爱以最美好呈现给别人 Love treats ev...
Imagery definition First, let’s define imagery Although there are several types of imagery, they all generally serve a similar function. To better understand the function of imagery in poetry and literature and how it can be achieved through various otherliterary devices, let’s take a look at...
Main English Definition mourn; grieve over somebody's death Simplified Script 悲悼 Traditional Script Same Pinyin bēidào Effective Pinyin (After Tone Sandhi) Same Zhuyin (Bopomofo) ㄅㄟ ㄉㄠˋ Cantonese (Jyutping) bei1dou6Word Decomposition 悲 bēi sad; sadness; sorrow; grief 悼 dào to mourn...
Sorrowful; distressful. Weary Causing fatigue; tiresome A weary wait. Dreary Exciting cheerless sensations, feelings, or associations; comfortless; dismal; gloomy. Full many a dreary anxious hour. Johnson entered on his vocation in the most dreary part of that dreary interval which separated two ...
So, what exactly is a noun? Let's find out! Adjectives Definition An adjective is a content word, which means it creates an image in the reader's mind.It usually comes before the noun or pronoun it modifies. Adjectives don't just modify the objects around us, however; they can also ...
Definition A desire for something to happen or be true Sorrow over past actions or decisions 6 Temporal Orientation Future-oriented Past-oriented 7 Emotional Tone Optimistic and hopeful Sorrowful and reflective 15 Context of Usage Aspirational, hopeful Reflective, often with a lesson learned 9 Nature...
The definition & meaning, examples & expressions, synonyms & antonyms, idioms & phrases, similar-form characters and Homophones of 哀 in HanBook Chinese Dictionary. The Chinese translation of 哀 is grieved; sorrowful; mournful; pitiful; bewailing; dolefu