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An Omnibus Account is afuturesmerchant’s account for carrying out immediatestockmarket operations and on which one or several deals are combined together. An Omnibus Account is opened in another company by the futures merchant and provides for the processing of stock market operations in the name...
Omnibus can be translated as providing for many things at the same time, and an omnibus bill is one that usually has a main subject (like abudget) but that concurrently may address many other subjects. For instance a budget bill could amend laws or institute new laws, and even if the pr...
What is pretexting? Definition, examples, and attacks 20 Sep 202410 mins feature 15 infamous malware attacks: The first and the worst 30 Aug 202416 mins feature What is the CIA triad? A principled framework for defining infosec policies
An omnibus account allows for managed trades of more than one person, and allows for anonymity of the persons in the account. Transactions appear in the name of the broker.
What is the use of a PV diagram? What is chromosome analysis? What is a myofiber? What is tabular rasa? What is the median sagittal plane? What is a balanced scorecard? What is geometry ? What is an Omnibus test? What is the difference between bubble diagrams and zoning drawings and w...
HIPAA Omnibus strengthens this by broadening the definition of a data breach to include any unauthorized use or disclosure of PHI. That means that if a third party uses PHI for its own marketing purposes, for example, the healthcare provider that originally provided the data could be...
exchange. Instead, they trade futures contracts, where the parties agree to buy or sell a specific amount of the commodity at an agreed-upon price, regardless of what it currently trades at in the market at a predetermined expiration date. The most traded commodity futures contract is crude ...
An omnibus bill is a legislative bill that has one main subject, but also addresses many other subsidiary subjects. This can be...
1. Your internal definition 2. HIPAA's definition The HIPAA definition of a breach The HIPAA definition of a reportable breach The HIPAA test for whether a breach is reportable using the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) test ...