The famous Chinese writer and translatorLin Yutang(1895 –1976) even went so far as to say that“face cannot be translated or defined.”He did, however, characterize it as “…abstract and intangible, it is yet the most delicate standard by which Chinese social intercourse is regulated.” Th...
Critics say this only serves to perpetuate the illegal and unethical practice of profiteering from someone else’s misfortune, but participating in the underground market is a relatively easy decision to make when someone’s life is at stake. Underground market transactions provide no recourse to the...
Start looking for “the silver lining” in your dark clouds. It is ALWAYS there, and often there are MANY of them, but you’ve got to LOOK FOR IT. And don’t be alarmed or frustrated if you don’t see it right away. In fact, your misfortune may have temporarily blinded you to it...
A piece of misfortune; a setback. Revert Undergo reversion, as in a mutation Reverse The tails side of a coin, or the side of a medal or badge that is opposite the obverse. Revert To go back in thought or discourse. Let's revert to the original topic. Reverse The side of something ...
Wealth Definition, Examples & Distribution from Chapter 26 / Lesson 14 50K Learn what is wealth and understand the sources of wealth. See the different types of individual wealth and see examples of different wealth types. Related to this QuestionWhat...
Some of the most common reasons for seeing positive or negative numbers in your sales volume variance formula include: A bad market:Your sales will likely plummet when misfortune hits everyone at once. Think of a recession in which unemployment soars to double digits or pandemics before the econo...
blunder, misfortune, woe, accident, adversity, calamity, casualty, cataclysm, catastrophe, debacle, disaster, error, failure, lapse, mischance, reverse, setback, slip, tragedy, faux pas. What is the synonym of piteous? 1affecting, moving, distressing, lamentable, woeful, sad, wretched, sorrowful...
Work out the misfortune Backpropagate to ascertain the angle for each weight Update the loads utilizing a learning rate The adjustment of the misfortune for a little change in an information weight is known as the angle of that weight and is determined utilizing backpropagation. The slope is the...
Threatening to occur immediately; near at hand; impending; - said especially of misfortune or peril. Pending Impending; imminent. Imminent Full of danger; threatening; menacing; perilous. Hairbreadth scapes i' the imminent deadly breach. Pending While in the process of; during. Imminent Close in...
The definition of adversity is a misfortune, a troubling situation, or hardship. There are six types of adversity that you may encounter in your lifetime: Self-doubt, Physical injuries or illnesses, Rejection, Poverty, Losing a loved one, and Struggling to succeed in your selected career: Self...