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What is the definition of a synapse in the human brain? Define the reticular formation. Why is the human neural pathway for anger easier to employ than the neural pathway for happiness? What must be "met" in order for a neuron to initiate an action potential?
DDoS Attack definition Distributed Denial of service attacks are assaults outfitted at making a PC, a cyber-service inaccessible by congesting it with traffic from various sources. The point is ordinarily to make the computer(s) in question stop administration by utilizing resources of various ...
Neuromuscular Junction | Definition, Function & Structure from Chapter 14/ Lesson 5 297K Learn about the mechanism of muscle contraction that occurs at the neuromuscular junction. Explore the neuromuscular junction and its function, structure, and physiology. ...
What is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial intelligence (AI) broadly refers to any human-like behavior displayed by a machine or system. In AI’s most basic form, computers are programmed to “mimic” human behavior using extensive data from past examples of similar behavior. This can range from...
Can be mimicked in vaccine development for specific immunity. Vaccines sometimes use idiotype mimicry to elicit targeted immune responses. 3 Isotype A biological specimen or other element that is a duplicate of the holotype. Idiotype The complete set of idiotopes contained within the variable region...
The structure of a novel organizes the narrative and themes. 4 Texture Can be natural or manufactured. The rough texture of natural stone is often mimicked in concrete products. 4 Structure Critical for architectural and engineering designs. The truss structure provides bridges with both strength an...
Definition of fascism Mussolini coined the term "fascism" in 1919. The word comes from the Italian "fascio," meaning a bundle or group, and is considered a term for a militant brotherhood. The word "fasces" means an ax tightly bound with sticks, an image that became a symbol of the fas...
The exact nature of what defines intelligent behavior, however, has been grounds for a great deal of controversy and debate, leaving an exact definition of strong AI somewhat difficult to determine. Most people agree that such AI would be able to demonstrate the ability to learn new information...
People often use the word “visionary” to describe leaders who are able to seebeyondwhat is currently possible and inspire others to pursue ambitious goals. While there is no one-size-fits-all definition of a visionary leader, certain qualities are common among them. ...