One BTU is equal to approximately 1,055 joules. One joule is equal to: 1× 107 erg (exactly) 6.24150974 × 1018 eV 0.2390 cal (gram calories) 2.390 × 10-4 kcal (food calories) 9.4782 × 10-4 BTU Units defined exactly in terms of the joule include: 1 thermochemicalcalorie = ...
Heat is the energy transferred in a process due to a difference in temperature. Heat is usually expressed using specific units like Joules or calories. These units of measurement can be interconverted using specific conversion factors.Answer and Explanation: ...
andstockbrokers, who are hired by investors to make investment decisions for them. The person represented by the agent in these scenarios is called the principal. In finance, it refers to afiduciaryrelationship in which an agent is authorized to perform transactions on behalf of the client and...
UnitsofworkTheunitofmeasurementforworkisthejoule.Onejouleisequaltoone newtonofforcetimesonemeterofdistance.Joulesareacombination unitmadeofforce(newtons)anddistance(meters). Inputworkand outputwork Justaswedidforforces,wewanttoanalyzemachinesintermsofwork ...
Learn the definition of a joule, a basic unit of energy used in chemistry, chemical engineering, and physics, plus learn what a joule is equal to.
Learn more about this topic: Photon Emission, Energy & Wavelength | Definition & Background from Chapter 8 / Lesson 19 178K What is a photon? Learn about photon, photon emission and the properties of photon wavelengths, and delve into ...
In a static electric field, the work required to move per unit of charge between two points is known as voltage. Mathematically, the voltage can be expressed as, Where work done is in joules and charge is in coulombs. We can define voltage as the amount of potential energy between two ...
Investopedia / Joules Garcia History of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) President Abraham Lincoln created the Office of Commissioner of Internal Revenue in 1862 to collecttaxeslevied to fund the Civil War. In 1913, Congress was given the power to enact incometax laws, paving the way for the...
Well this is an interesting explanation of joule conversions. I can now finally quantify the impact of my solitude. As a quiet person, I emit 100 joules of energy every second! I am not sure if that’s a big or a high number, but I’ll bet that it’s on the low side since you...
What is a kcal unit? kcal definition kcal is the symbol of kilocalorie. One kilocalorie is equal to 1000 calories. Small & large calories Small calorie(cal) is the energy needed to increase 1 gram of water by 1°C at a pressure of 1 atmosphere. ...