and the work seemed not only vitally necessary but promising. He is an Anglophile, andwas determined after the war to go to England in order to discover the secret of her greatness.
What is a Hawkey? Definition of 'hawkey' a.the feast at harvest home; harvest supper. How do you spell Hawkie? noun, pluralHawk·eyes. a native or inhabitant of Iowa (used as a nickname). What does hawk eye symbolize? 1.having extremely keen sight. 2. vigilant, watchful, or observant...
President Trump’s own rhetoric harkens back to this definition of patriotism. The phrase “America First,” which hementionedin his inaugural address, builds on a history of xenophobia, immigration issues, and ultimately, racism. In 2019, President Trump also criticized four minority congresswomen,...
Identitarianism is too human to ignore, but it also has big sticking points like: individuals belonging to some groups are, by virtue of their identity, more vulnerable to forms of oppression such as cultural imperialism, violence, exploitation of labour, marginalization, or powerlessness; and at ...
Of the three, gosh is recorded the earliest, around 1750–60. Golly is dated to around 1840–50. Last but not least is gee, an Americanism tracked back to 1890–95. So, what’s a euphemistic alteration? Euphemisms substitute a mild or vague expression for one that is considered to be ...
John Gray argues that America is just "too rich in contradictions for any definition of it to be possible"; in his opinion it is actually "unknowable." Doris Lessing makes a similar point. In her view, all talk of "America as if it were a homogenous unity isn't useful." But she ...
Looking for online definition of PNOM or what PNOM stands for? PNOM is listed in the World's most authoritative dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms
One of the reasons for its success is that science has built-i,error-correcting machinery at its very heart.Some may consider this an overbroad characterizatio,but to me every time we exercise self-criticis,every time we test our ideas against the outside worl,we are doing science.When ...
The Union of the Mediterranean is a project conceived by Nicolas Sarkozy, the mercurial and hyperactive French president known for his capricious sex life and his loose tongue. Indeed, the former may be an subconscious cause of his proposal to create a political “Club Med”, since all three ...
APollyannais a blindly or foolishly optimistic person. The term derives from Eleanor H. Porter’s 1913 novel,Pollyanna, about an orphan with an unjustifiably optimistic attitude. The word is primarily an Americanism. It is rare in British and Canadian English, but it appears relatively often in...