I am trying to launch the chrome debugger from vscode, but my breakpoints are being passed over and I get the message 'breakpoint set but not yet bound'. I suspect that this is because I have the wrong value for the webRoot property in the launch config. Documentation on the web...
The .vscode folder is used to store project-specific settings, debug configuration, shared tasks and build commands.
“While VScode has a lot more to offer, and I use it regularly because of Copilot, it installs a huge server on the remote machine which sometimes is a no-go (raspberry pi) and is less flexible than the ’just connect, edit and save’ approach.” “In other words, I love EditPad...
If you had light mode selected prior to the update, this is what Color Settings will look like after updating:To try the full light experience, just select Light in the Choose your color dropdown.As part of this work we're also adding a new default wallpaper! Showcased above, you can ...
In the default VC++ test projects, I didn't get the option "<different options>" under .xxproj file. Please check the property for your projects. As far as I know, it has the settings for Preprocessor Definitions. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hhzbb5c8.aspx?f=255&MSPPErro...
You can adjust your file to something like this (I would do this as R linting is fairly aggressive) linters: linters_with_defaults( line_length_linter = NULL, # note: vscode-R default is 120 cyclocomp_linter = NULL, # same as vscode-R object_name_linter = NULL, # same as vscode...
To keep the API Center always updated, you should encourage your developers to maximize the use ofAPI Center VS Code extensionsfor APIs being built with an API-first or code-first approach. It is even better to automate the process withCI/CDworkflows....
when-can-the-test-click when-in-doubt-return-a-promise whitelist-renovate why-cy-log-prints-nothing why-cypress why-function-bind-matters-little-in-angular why-node-is-different why-promises-need-to-be-done why-upgrade-dependencies why-use-reactive-streams-for-components win...
Analysis can now be executed out of the Visual Studio or VisualNDepend process and this is the default choice. In-process analysis has very few performance and responsiveness impact. Nevertheless out-of-process is now the default choice to make sure Visual Studio productivity doesn't get affect...
Extended syntaxes to built-in markdown & What you see is what you get exporter. - qjebbs/vscode-markdown-extended