Deepest deceit. Deeply Large in quantity or size; big Deep cuts in the budget. Deep Very absorbed or involved Deep in thought. Deep in financial difficulties. Deeply (Sports) Having a sufficient number of capable reserve players That team is not very deep. Deep Profound in quality or feeling...
There is a lot about the depths of our oceans that is still a mystery. While submarines are fairly common today, only a very small number attempt to explore the greatest depths of the sea.Answer and Explanation: The deepest submarine dive on record touched the bottom at a depth of 35,...
Nitrogen narcosis can be prevented in different ways.Limiting the depth of a dive isone of the least invasive. It is agreed upon that the maximum depth limit for a diver to use compressed air is 30 to 50 meters. Beyond this, a gas mixture other than air is suggested for use to prevent...
A deep dive Deep water A deep casserole A deep gash Deep massage Deep pressure receptors in muscles Deep shelves A deep closet Surrounded by a deep yard Hit the ball to deep center field In deep space Waist-deep Deep Very distant in time or space; Deep in the past Deep in enemy territo...
in the Journal of Mathematical Biophysics. They described the behavior of human neurons with the help of simple logical functions that inspired an English mathematician Alan Turing to publish ‘Computing Machinery and Intelligence’ which comprised a test. This Turing Test is used to check a machine...
Today, the deepest dive into an application may require privileged login access, the actual software code for visual review, and control of the operating system hosting the application.Although a penetration test is sometimes called a vulnerability assessment, many security vulnerability...
Thespiritual journeyis not just about ascending. We also need todescend. We need to dive into the dark waters of our minds and do some soul-searching. We need to get comfortable with the blood, dirt, and grit of being human. To avoid our wild side is to avoid, deny, and disown a ...
A Ever since human beings looked out to the sea, they have wondered what was out there.We first began to dive for food. The first sailing vessels(船舶) brought together many cultures that had previously remained isolated. The first diving bells allowed us to work underwater for extended peri...
How to Become a Copywriter: Your Step-by-Step Career Plan Now that you’ve learned everything there is to know about the role of a copywriter, let me walk you through the path to becoming one. Let’s dive in. Phase 1: The Learning Phase ...
Internalizationis the true acceptance of group norms. Here, people conform with the group both privately and publicly because the behavior or attitude they are adopting is consistent with their own values. Internalization is the deepest level of conformity and lasts the longest. Phenomena likeingroup...